Commission Page Template

type a - $100
type b - $250

Aenean cursus, enim non faucibus maximus,
felis metus tempor mauris, et pellentesque velit dolor at leo.

Artist: Amelia Peláez del Casal (1896-1968)

type a - $50 usd
type b - $100 usd
type c - $200 usd

Curabitur in magna et erat fermentum iaculis sit amet a tellus.

Artist: Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571-1610)

type a - $75 usd
type b - $150 usd

Quisque ullamcorper et purus et consectetur.
Donec magna sapien, fringilla id vehicula a, suscipit nec elit.

Artist: Syed Sadequain Ahmed Naqvi (1930-1987)

style 4 - $100 usd

Pellentesque at augue at mi blandit fermentum vitae imperdiet elit. Mauris aliquet mauris interdum mauris mattis porta.

Artist: Damián Domingo y Gabor (1796-1834)


This is a template based on my own personally coded Commissions page (here, for reference) to be studied or used as a base for your own use. You should have a basic knowledge of CSS and HTML to use and customize this. While there is some Script here, it does not require any previous knowledge. (Also this is designed to be responsive to mobile devices/smaller screens!)

I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL WEB DESIGNER. This template was made on request, and I have chosen to make it free to use for all, but I cannot really answer a lot of complex questions.

The code provided does not include all of the styling on this page--this is a demonstration based on my own personal page. You are welcome to study this page's formatting in Codepen, but if you use my own styling as your base I just ask that you tweak it so it isn't a carbon copy of mine LOL

Licensing and Additional Scripts

My code base is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. I would appreciate it if you leave my credit in the code (it does not appear in the page) but it is not mandatory.

This template is intended to be used with a basic lightbox script. While I have provided a basic lightbox here, it is based on and I recommend using Lightbox2 by Lokesh Dhakar as the basis for your lightbox. You can also just make thumbnails that link to full-size images if that is more your preference.

Template Code

Because my lightbox script is NOT included, these templates static thumbnails that open the full view in a new tab. I apologize for any difficulty this causes, but you will fair better using a dedicated script such as the one I have linked.




additional resources

Lightbox2 by Lokesh Dhakar - Lightbox (pop-out) script
Google Fonts - Open source fonts with seemless integration
Font Awesome - Icons for navigation, social media, decor, et al.
W3Schools - My go-to resource for html/css/javascript help.
GifCities - Geocities .gif archive by the Internet Archive.
Neocities - Make a free website without ads today!


Created: 13 December 2022 / Last Update: 13 December 2022
Contact me: asbestosmammal @ / Twitter @cl4m0art