dallas cowboys 19th of Mid Year, 2019

content warning: unsanitary, sexual assault

My roommate and I are going to a Dallas Cowboys football game in an indoor arena that is part of a shopping mall. We have to park his car remotely and take a shuttle to the mall. At the mall, we rent horses, which are donkey-sized because of nuclear fallout. My horse's name is Butterscotch. We ride the horses to a ferry, which takes us to the arena. Our tickets are for section A3, seats 9 and 10, which is in the top, furthest area. A woman near us has bet on the Cowboys being ahead after the first quarter. She wins and receives $40 in 1s and 5s, and passes all but one 5 to the people around her. We receive a 1. If the Cowboys win, we will receive $50, but if they lose, we lose the 1.

As the game progresses, I need to use the restroom. I go and come back to my seat, and guy nearby has taken a strong interest in me. While we are all chatting, the game suddenly stopped and it is announced that section A3 needs to come step aside because someone from the section has peed on the floor of the bathroom. My roommate becomes extremely agitated as we walk to the designated area. I try to calm him down but he gets even angrier and leaves, telling me I can find a ride home. Shocked by his outburst, I don't follow him.

After the culprit is identified, we all return to our seats to watch the last part of the game. The Cowboys are now losing by 5 points. I chat more with the guy from before and he moves into my roommate's seat to talk to me better. He gets a little flirty but I think nothing of it and just let him talk like that. After the game ends, the field is converted immediately to an Urban Decay store. I go down to look at lipstick and the guy follows me. He asks me if I really broke up with my roommate and I tell him yes. He gets really close, enough to breathe down my neck, and tells me he wants to fuck me. I get a little nervous and tell him he seems really nice but I'm not interested right now. He asks me what I am interested in, and I tell him nothing because I just had a breakup and I need to process it. I leave the arena and he follows me out into the mall, continuing to insist on having sex with me. I get increasingly frustrated and he gets increasingly close, and at one point pushes his erection against my back. I scream and run, trying to find a help desk to call the police because I have no way home. I find the help desk and they call the cops for me, and try to hide. He finds me and tries at first to throw himself on me, but after I shove him away he gets violent and tries to hit me and the help desk attendant. I spend 2 hours running and trying to hide and defend myself and the cops never show. I see someone has dropped a knife and I grab it, and the cops show up almost immediately to arrest me for stealing the knife. I scream about how I tried hours ago to get their help, and they said that they wouldn't help me because the guy never got his phallus inside me so it was not assault. I go berserk and shove the cop and run out into the dark parking lot to find the horse, Butterscotch. She gets up, vomits, and allows me to ride her away from the mall.