update history 
1 = Morning Star | 2 = Sun's Dawn | 3 = First Seed | 4 = Rain's Hand | 5 = Second Seed | 6 = Mid Year
7 = Sun's Height | 8 = Last Seed | 9 = Hearth Fire | 10 = Frost Fall | 11 = Sun's Dusk | 12 = Evening Star
24th of Frost Fall, 2023 :: New layout!! I'm gonna try reaaallly hard to commit to this one cos this website is a great creative outlet for me! TYSM for bearing with me!!
8th of Last Seed, 2022 :: I'm so excited to re-release CLAMVERSE! I don't have a ton up, but it is still waaaaay more than what was on my old page, and I hope you enjoy this work-in-progress! Thanks for visiting!
1st of Last Seed, 2022 :: [Rocky's Shrine] - Made the page a bit cuter so it's a bit more fun to look at~
28th of Sun's Height, 2022 :: [Rocky's Shrine] - First version of this page has been put together. It has been hard to do this because of how emotional I get when I work on this (I resized for web as many photos as I could handle before I was crying too much to see. TT_TT) but I was determined, for my own sake, to get something out there after all this time. I know there isn't much info right now, but please enjoy these few pictures of my sweet boy as you pass by, and consider lighting a candle in his honor if you feel so inclined. Thank you for stopping by this page~
21st of Sun's Height, 2022 :: I've been through a lot since I released the latest version of clamverse and at this point I have realized that some of the content is so outdated that it makes me dysphoric so I have opted to temporarily put most of the site down while I rework it from scratch.
6th of Evening Star, 2020 :: new dream posted in my journal! it has been a very long time since I logged dreams, so it was nice to finally remember one AND remember to log it again!
28th of Sun's Dusk, 2020 :: I have been working on a dramatic overhaul of my main page, and it is exciting to show it off! Obviously there's still a lot of work to be done, but I think it works better than my first version~ I hope you love it!
27th of Sun's Dusk, 2020 :: wow 2020 has been a year, huh.... anyway, got some pages up! some are WIP, some are kinda ready... click on the dolls below to see them!!
20th of Evening Star, 2019 :: page debut!! still a mess but stick around and let's grow together~